Posted by: peterhact | February 24, 2012

Love lost

When I had Love….


speaking on the telephone,

never wanting to be the last,

never wanting to be the first,

to hang up.


picnics in the gardens,

a rug,

a basket,

the world breathes around us,

we are content.


Perhaps at that picnic,

perhaps on the telephone,

perhaps while grocery shopping,

perhaps during a night out,

Love was lost.


Do I…

search for it,

yearn for it,

fight for it,

or let it go?


Do you…

miss it,

want it back,

care about it,

look for it?


I feel…






How can I find,

something so precious,

then lose it,

then just move on?


could I make a sign?


could I post it around,

putting it on trees,

putting it in shop windows,

“Love is Lost”,

Last seen a few years ago,

with my family,

with my friend,

I miss it,

I want it back,

or at least return my heart.



Peter Holland

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